thday Fortune: The Story of a Fire Tiger, Earth Ox, Earth Rabbit, and Metal Rabbit The combination of fire, earth, and metal elements in the birthday fortune of those born in the year of fire tiger, the month of earth ox, the day of earth rabbit, and the hour of metal rabbit, creates a unique personality that is full of vitality, strength, and charm. Fire tigers are known for their passion, courage, and leadership qualities. They are driven by their desires and have a strong sense of adventure. Earth oxen are reliable, hardworking, and practical. They are patient and persistent in achieving their goals. Earth rabbits are gentle, kind, and sensitive. They are creative and artistic, with a love for beauty and harmony. Metal rabbits are smart, witty, and curious. They have a sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge. Together, the fire tiger, earth ox, earth rabbit, and metal rabbit create a dynamic and creative personality. They have a powerful sense of purpose and a great capacity for achievement. They are driven by a desire to make a difference in the world, and have the ability to inspire others to follow their lead. However, they can also be impulsive and stubborn at times. They have a tendency to act on their emotions, which can lead to conflict with others. They may also struggle with indecision, as they are often torn between their strong desires and their sense of duty. Overall, the birthday fortune of the fire tiger, earth ox, earth rabbit, and metal rabbit is one of great potential. They have the ability to achieve great things, and to inspire others to do the same. With their unique combination of qualities, they can make a significant impact on the world around them.